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Chinese Language Programs


1. Beginner’s class: courses such as Elementary Chinese, Elementary Spoken Chinese, Elementary Chinese Listening.

2. Elementary class: courses such as Elementary Chinese, Elementary Spoken Chinese, Elementary Chinese Listening, Elementary Chinese Reading.

3. Intermediate class: courses such as Intermediate Chinese, Intermediate Spoken Chinese, Intermediate Chinese Listening, Intermediate Chinese Reading, Spoken Chinese for Foreign Trade, Intermediate Chinese Writing, Newspaper and Magazine Chinese, Chinese Information Processing.

4. Advanced class: courses such as Advanced Chinese, Advanced Spoken Chinese, Advanced Chinese Listening, Advanced Newspaper Reading, Chinese Grammar, Ancient Chinese, Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature, Business Chinese, Chinese Culture, Culture of Chinese Character, Chinese Geography, Chinese History, Chinese Economy and Foreign Trade Writing.

Students with certain basis of Chinese are allowed to join the class in the middle of course, and choose to study for half a year, one year or longer on their own terms.

(II)Target Admissions:International Students

(III)Admission Requirements:

Applicants to this language programme shall be foreign citizens who are above 16 years old, a legal passport holders, in good health, willing to comply with Chinese laws and regulations and rules of the university, and to respect the customs and habits of the Chinese people.

(IV)Completion Certificate for Chinese Language Students

Students who has studied for at least half a year and complied with all of the course requirements, will be granted Completion Certificate.

VApplication Materials

1. Applicants of Chinese language programme shall submit the following application materials:

International Students Application Form of Guangxi University for Nationalities

② a photocopy of passport

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