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School of Marxism

History: Directly led by Guangxi University for Nationalities (GXUN), the School of Marxism is an independent secondary institution of teaching and research, and as one of the earliest teaching institutions, it is responsible for the teaching and research of ideological and political theory in the university. The School’s predecessor, called Teaching and Research Office of Marxism and Leninism, was founded in the 1960s and was renamed Teaching and Research Department of Marxism and Leninism in 1991. In 1992, the Department merged with the Teaching and Research Office of Moral Education and formed the Education Department of Social Science which was renamed the School of Marxism in 2011. In 2016, the School was awarded as Key School of Marxism of Universities in Guangxi by the Publicity Department of the CPC Committee of Guangxi, the Committee of Institutions of Higher Education of Guangxi and the Education Department of Guangxi.

Faculty Members: the School currently has 53 full-time and part-time teachers of ideological and political theory courses, including 15 professors and 13 associate professors. Among the 53 teachers, there are 19 doctors, 1 doctoral student supervisor, 1 Outstanding Expert of Guangxi, 1 Guangxi Famous Cultural Export who was also awarded as a talent in China’s “Four Batches of Projects”, 1 recipient of the “Sponsorship Program for Outstanding Young and Middle-Aged Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses of China”, and 1 recipient of the “Sponsorship Program for Outstanding Young and Middle-Aged Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses of Guangxi”.

Organization: It consists of 6 Teaching and Research Offices, including the Office of Basic Theory of Marxism, Marxism in China, Modern History of China, Moral and Basic Law Education, Situation and Policy, and Ideological and Political Theory Courses for Post-Graduate Students. In addition, 9 teaching teams specialized in “moral and basic law education”, “introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics”, “modern history of China”, “form and policy”, “theory and practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics”, “Marxism and the research methodology of social science”, “Dialectics of Nature”, “Chinese Marxism and modern China” and “situation and policy”, were established.

Discipline Development: In 2000, the School was authorized to start aCategory IIdiscipline Master programof Marxism theory and ideological and political theory education. In 2006, it was authorized to start a CategoryIdiscipline Master program of Marxism theory, under which there are 6Category IIdiscipline Master programs which have started to enroll students. The School also has another 2 Category IIdiscipline Master programsof CPC history and of ethics, and is qualified to enroll Master of Education students majored in discipline education (ideological and political theory education).

Research and Service: The School has 2 provincial key disciplines, namely, the research of Marxism in China and basic theory of Marxism. It also boasts 4 provincial research bases: the Base of Marxism Theory Research and Development of Guangxi, the Station of Theory Research of Guangxi CPPCC, the Base of Social Science Research of Guangxi Institutions of Higher Education (the Base of Marxism Theory Research), and the University Base of Cadre Training of Guangxi.

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