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College of Software and Information Security

The College of Software and Information Security (formerly called the School of Software) was established during the university-level adjustment on subjects of sciences and engineering in October 2016. It has twenty-four staff members, including two professors, thirteen associate professors and seven assistant professors. Twenty of them have graduate degree and six have doctoral degree with one doctoral candidate. One professor is entitled with MOEChang Jiang (Cheung Kong)ScholarProfessor and Guangxi Bagui Scholar.

The college has 491 full-time students and two kinds of programs. The master degree programs consists of two sub-programs, one in the secondary discipline of Computer Software and Theory and the other in the customized specialty of Big Data and Information Security. The bachelor degree programs consists of three majors, i.e., Software Engineering, Information Management and Information Systems, and Information Security.

For supporting the development of the above programs, the college established one provincial key laboratory (i.e., the Guangxi Laboratory of Hybrid Computation and IC Design Analysis) and one department-level collaborative innovation center (i.e., the Collaborative Innovation Center for Connected-Ships Technology). In addition, 14 more laboratories with a total area of about 1,500 square meters are completed, including a comprehensive training lab ofsoftware engineering, seven labs in embedded system development, ERP simulation, big data analysis, informatic data mining and statistical analysis, ERP, software engineering respectively, an experimental center of network and information security virtual simulation. They provide an high-level experimental platform with superior performance for teaching, research and student training. Now the number of teaching and research equipment has reached up to 630, with a total value of more than 32 million Yuan.

Furthermore, the college establishes many practice bases jointly with other domestic software companies to help students engaged in the development of real projects so that they can have a better understanding on the production processes in software companies and software markets and develop their proficiency on software development and management, which provide conditions and guarantees for enhancing their innovation capabilities.

Towards developing itself into a provincial top college which produces large-scale innovative and international engineers with market oriented, the College of Software and Information Security will continue to strive for developing professional talents under the new concept that professional software engineers should be high-level, practical, interdisciplinary and international.

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