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Princess Sirindhorn of the Kingdom of Thailand Unveiled for Confucius Institute Cultural Activity Center, Maha Sarakham University
Date:Mar 29, 2016 

On March 22, 2016, the unveiling ceremony of the Confucius Institute Cultural Activity Center, Maha Sarakham University was held in Maha Sarakham University. Princess Sirindhorn of the Kingdom of Thailand was present to unveil the ceremony. Mr. Xie Shangguo, President of GXUN, Mr. Zhou Gaoyu, First Secretary of the Education Division of China’s Embassy in Thailand, Mr. Li Minggang, Consul General of China’s Consulate based in Khon Kaen, Mr. Chaiyavut Chanthana, Governor of Maha Sarakham, Mr. Sampan Rittidej, President of Maha Sarakham University, Mr. Luo Yaoxian, Vice Director of Office of Foreign Affairs of Education Ministry of Guangxi, representatives from other Confucius Institutes in Thailand, from Confucius Classrooms, from Confucius Institute, National University of Laos, and from Confucius Institute, Tanjungpura University of Indonesia, both the Chinese Dean and Thai Dean and all the faculty members of Confucius Institute, Maha Sarakham University, and more than 500 Chinese overseas students attended the ceremony.



Princess Sirindhorn and some of the guests in the ceremony



Xie Shangguo giving Princess Sirindhorn the photo of Her Highness’ visit to GXUN in 2006 as a present



Princess Sirindhorn inscribing for Confucius Institute Cultural Activity Center





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